01-02-2017, 00:06
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01-02-2017, 00:15
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Originally Posted by Joker
Scott Bennett? I remember the actions of that shit head. He never worked at SOCOM. SOCOM does not send it's personnel to work at CENTCOM. Nor did this shit head do what you stated he did. You are as big of a piece of shit as this fraud is. You give trolls a bad name.
Get back on your meds.
You need to pick you friends better.
QUOTE=Joker;621996]Scott Bennett? I remember the actions of that shit head. He never worked at SOCOM. SOCOM does not send it's personnel to work at CENTCOM. Nor did this shit head do what you stated he did. You are as big of a piece of shit as this fraud is. You give trolls a bad name.
Get back on your meds.
You need to pick you friends better.[/QUOTE]
FIRST OF ALL, let me just say this; most people who are on "meds" won't actually take the time to research the information that is being presented by actually taking the initiative to make personal contact with the individual of interest, they usually lash/blurt out in a childish manner by labeling someone with a playground fart-name, who innocently has really done nothing wrong to the retard to deserve such a response.
Next - I've personally sat in on an interview with Scott and ACTUALLY heard his side of the story; as there are ALWAYS two. -- In light of that, and with what you have just presented me with, I have to say that Scott doesn't sound like a good guy when you read that report. And I'll admit, I didn't know that he lied about his experience.
But again, that's HIS story, NOT MINE, Randy Savage. Loosen your boot-laces up before you pass out trying to come up with a new slur to label an innocent visitor with.
I have actually, not only made direct contact with the individuals that you are so readily quick to dispatch, but I have spent a great deal of time investigating - to the best of my ability - both the individual and the subject matter of interest. Of which, the ACTUAL information itself, since presented to you, you have STILL not made an intelligent statement in relation to; rather, you have just DISREGARDED THE INFORMATION PRESENTED, and as per usual, attacked the individual in an attempt to disparaging throw the baby out with the bath water.
And I only have one question for you - 2 parts - Mr. Wiley Coyote, because due to the overdose of medication that I'm used to taking at this time of night, I honestly can't remember,.. and that is,.. Did the CEO and President of the Union Bank of Switzerland not come over here to the US and make a huge campaign contribution to Obama's 2nd Presidential Election Campaign Party,.. and to follow, did (then) US SECRETARY of STATE, Clin,- Eh-he-hem.. achk.. Clinton NOT sign a pile of Treaties with the UB of Switzerland,. and all of this, AFTER Bennett had filed his report? - Or was his story about filing his team report a big ass lie too? Because if it is,.. Ooo-hoooo! I'm gonna bust Scotts chops up.
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01-02-2017, 00:20
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aqslo loxse laewr swnti qiert mftre
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01-02-2017, 00:28
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Originally Posted by Joker
Oh hell, this MFer is crazier than you!
Did you get to see the video footage of his Court Martial of Bush and Chaney? - Do you understand what they have created ?? - There is NO WAY that someone can go around filing documents with FEDERAL AGENCIES making Legal Claims AT A FEDERAL LEVEL in FEDERAL LEVEL COURTS WHILE CLAIMING / MASQUERADING AS A FEDERAL-POSTAL-JUDGE WHILE DOING SO, without being arrested, tossed in a can, and SEDATED. -- What's crazy is the rate at which the baby is thrown out with the bath water around here without so much as an intelligent thought being expressed in relation to the information that's been presented; that's what's crazy. - Shit, I'm just gonna go take some more meds & say to hell with it; all has got to be lost. -
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01-02-2017, 00:56
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Your manifesto is poorly written and not worthy of the time to read.
Originally Posted by ROGUESABRE1
...And I only have one question for you - 2 parts - Mr. Wiley Coyote, because due to the overdose of medication that I'm used to taking at this time of night, I honestly can't remember,.. and that is,.. Did the CEO and President of the Union Bank of Switzerland not come over here to the US and make a huge campaign contribution to Obama's 2nd Presidential Election Campaign Party,
It is not illegal to make political contributions, so if one cannot prove there was quid-pro-quo it doesn't matter, unless you are paranoid and believe everyone is out to get you.
Originally Posted by ROGUESABRE1
... and to follow, did (then) US SECRETARY of STATE, Clin,- Eh-he-hem.. achk.. Clinton NOT sign a pile of Treaties with the UB of Switzerland,. and all of this, AFTER Bennett had filed his report?
The President...shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur...
Constitution of the United States, Art. II, Sec. 2.
The SECSTATE can sign MOUs/MOAs with other States and organizations. But just because some convict says she signed a pile of treaties don't make it so.
Oh, he did tell his side of the story in court and he was found to be lying and convicted.
Why are you still here? Do you think anyone is buying into your muck? They are not.
I do have an Acme Anvil to drop on your head.
Last edited by Joker; 01-02-2017 at 00:58.
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01-02-2017, 01:19
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A tool named "Robert Horton" is peddling the same load of shit with "Special Forces" by his name, claiming to represent "the entire Special Forces community" on YouTube and elsewhere trying to name drop the same names he came here whining about. A fraud claiming credibility from other frauds.
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01-02-2017, 05:00
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01-02-2017, 05:09
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This thread has run it's course.
RS1 don't start another one like it.
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01-02-2017, 12:21
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Originally Posted by Pete
This thread has run it's course.
RS1 don't start another one like it.
Concur. This thread and its initiator have exhausted their entertainment value. ROGUESABRE1, you need to go find someplace else to sell your "tin foil hats". You're no longer welcome to do it here. Goodby.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.
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