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Old 03-21-2024, 07:53   #1
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We have one of the first commercial electric pasta machines, last year we took one of the dies that we don’t use very much, oiled it and heavily wrapped it in plastic wrap, to protect in our basement. Yesterday we wanted to use it and found the wrap failed. The die was rusted and would not turn. We are now disassembling the die to clean up.
My question is (and we did a lot of googling, only to find conflicting methods) what is the best oil and wrap to use when storing a machine part?
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Old 03-21-2024, 08:07   #2
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Without knowing the size or appearance of this thing, you might consider a thin coat of a light grease in lieu of oil, then wrapped in a wax paper, then plastic. Is it small enough you could vacuum seal it?
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Old 03-21-2024, 19:46   #3
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Cosmoline has worked for the military for over a century
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Old 03-21-2024, 21:45   #4
The Reaper
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Originally Posted by doctom54 View Post
Cosmoline has worked for the military for over a century
I agree with you for gun parts, but for items used in food processing, I am not sure what the best preservative might be.

Even cutting boards require food safe treatment.

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Old 03-22-2024, 08:27   #5
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I will have to look it up to give you anything definitive - but most of the generators that are used to "jam" bottles use a food based lubricant because of contamination threats - it seems like the same type of lube would work for putting something like that into storage. The below link might help get you on the right track...

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Old 03-22-2024, 17:05   #6
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That's what I was thinking, depending on the size, maybe store the part in a vessel filled with a vegetable oil.
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Old 03-30-2024, 18:01   #7
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Thank you all for the excellent info.
The food grade oils' Ive never known of. Love the idea of immersion and sealing in a container. The other suggestion is also spot on., and we always have cheese cloth in house. With regard to the electric pasta machine, we order an Imperia hand crank model realize power may not be available all the time.
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