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Old 07-04-2015, 19:55   #16
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Originally Posted by XJWoody View Post
According to the satellite pings from ocearch.org, Katharine (a 2300# 14' white) has visited the Pamlico Sound, and is currently not too far off the coast of Cape Hatteras. Genie (a similar sized white) has also visited the Sound, back in April. She sent her most recent ping May 28th off Cape Lookout. Mary Lee is a bigger white, 3400# and 16', but she hasn't been in the sound for a couple years. She likes the SE US coast too...

Try not to look tasty
Interesting to look at some of those sites that track their pings interactively on a map w/depth. Being really deep is a ho-hum. Seeing that it came back from the deep Atlantic up into an inlet to spend the day shopping in 30' of water could get your attention.

I recall going down to Ensenada with my Dad as a youngster for yellow-tail and whatever. Most stuck in the memory was my 1/2 fish I got back from a shark and the Mex deck-hand up in the top of the boat with an M1 looking for targets. (Did manage to boat a tuna bigger than me. Some fish, we ate good.)

Shark Week! Wonder if they'll cover the use of UAVs over the SoCal hand-wringing out on the left coast with the white birthing ground.
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