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Old 05-11-2015, 08:20   #15
Team Sergeant
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Originally Posted by JJ_BPK View Post
Thanks, to all..

I spent a week formulating this little tail. I wanted to make sure I didn't stretch nor miss the hi-points. The problem for me, was not drifting into a self patronizing ego spin.

I think I missed on the severity of my wounds.

I did spent 10days in ICU that I have always thought was wrong. Wrong because I was the only that could get out of bed. I had a couple IV bottles and a 2gal chest pump, but with a little help from the nurses, I would stay up at night and play card, help where I could, and go to the john...

In retrospect, I think it was a case of SF can-do attitude, I don't know, but it has been a small concern all these years..

On the flip,, at the end of my ICU stay, I snuck out with the ward nurse to the O club for a stake n Lobster dinner, ++ couple of Whiskey's, back by 3AM. She arranged to have a ambulance for a taxi and carried extra compression bandages, they hadn't stitched me up yet, wanted as much drainage as possible. The hole in my back was?? Sloppy??

When I returned, The new ward nurse was livid,, She had listed me as AWAL, she had no sense of humor.. I went to bed..

Next morning I was in front of some bird-col who also did not have a sense of humor.. Put a note in my 201 file about being A BAD BOY, and determined that as punishment I should be sent the Camp Zama Hospital, Japan. (where I spend three months in rehab).

Alone with a lack of humor, he didn't comprehend the dichotomy of his "punishment".

"Oh please Brer Fox, whatever you do, please don't throw me into the briar patch... please" Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby

Anyway, That's another story for telling,, probably more fitting for the local watering hole..
Now you're my hero !!!
"The Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy, but where they are."
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