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Old 09-08-2017, 18:25   #5
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Yuma, AZ
Posts: 37
HTC Vive/ Oculus

Hello SF and SF selected ones please pardon my barging.

I'm a computer enthusiast and everyone knows that every year a new technology comes out and the last year one is outdated.

HTC VIVE and Oculus was a big hit and still going. I'm saving money to get my HTC Vive so I can play video games and modded games that are R-Rated (explicitly, not NR) so I can play my favorite video games like Fallout 4.

Oculus Rift is on hold for some reason and I don't know why but the HTC Vive is very awesome. From what I've seen so far.

I've seen some training with the 360 degree with the e-6's and get shocked when shot at. I've also seen a SF soldier go through the Battlefield game. Very, meticulous.

The VR training seems surreal to me as I am a avid Metal Gear Solid player after Nintendo so it seems real. Just passing my experience on and talking along as well.
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