Thread: Chip pics
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Old 03-06-2007, 15:16   #23
Jack Moroney (RIP)
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Originally Posted by x SF med
COL Jack!! I have to blame you for those Natick inspired nightmares? (.
Actually you can blame Natick for screwing the pooch on those boots. What they got and what they actually released were two entirely different critters. Then Natick thinks that they have to support the entire force, we just wanted something for SF. It is also like the gortex project they took over-they deceided that we all did not need light weight thin skinned poly pro like the Norges we just needed the heavier weight stuff that was too hot for cross country movement. Also they decided that we did not need the light weight fold up and put away light rain suit-hell the heavier wt stuff was good for all occasions as far as they were concerned. I could go on, but then you all might get the feeling that I am upset with Natick which is just a sub-command of AMC which everyone thinks stands for Army Materiel Command but really means A Million Civilians who work there, protect their rice bowls, and will never, and I mean never, allow anyone outside of their fiefdom to have a better idea. I must stop, I am getting called for chow and am beginning to get fired up.
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