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Old 06-15-2013, 17:17   #15
Quiet Professional
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Here is my take on Thorne...and believe me, I'd of liked the guy.
He joined the SS prior to the invasion of the USSR, ergo the anti Soviet deal doesn't wash. The USSR and Germany had a non aggression pact/treaty and had already divided up territory between themselves.
In my opinion Thorne, like a lot of SF types, was a adrenaline junky with a military bent. He loved soldiering.
He also went with winners...initially the Germans were 'winners' everywhere when the war was in its early stages. Looked like a good gig.
After the war, we were the 'winners'...what better way to feed that soldiering desire. Looked like a good gig.
I see him as more of a soldier of fortune than a stalwart patriot of some type.
Not making a value judgment, just saying what I see from my foxhole.
There were lots of documents one had to sign and oaths one had to take before you put on the SS runes......and none of them would have made one a 'Patriot' in ones own Country.
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