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Old 09-21-2008, 10:14   #12
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 3,751
Maybe I'm not getting this, but didn't the thread begin “What are you reading now...?" Not what are you reading to impress the others on this site.

Now, as a “certificated” teacher I read lots of stuff because I am always on the lookout for books that will help me teach what our students need to know. In the art (not science) of writing a big component is called voice.
“Voice shows the writer's personality.
The writing has a sound that is different from everyone else's.
It contains feelings and emotions so that it does not sound like an encyclopedia article.
The reader should be able to sense the sincerity and honesty of the writer. The writer should be writing from the heart.
The language should bring the topic to life for the reader.
The voice should be appropriate for the topic, purpose, and audience of the paper.” (Cited from

World War Z meets all these Points of Performance admirably! It is a book many high school and college students will read. (You gotta get them to read it to get them to learn it!)
FOR EXAMPLE -- The story of the female C-130 driver’s E and E will appeal to a 17 year old girl, (and a SERE Instructor). The reflections of the Infantry Sergeant on the initial battle when the “Fulda F**k-tard” Generals tried to fight a conventional war against an enemy “incapable of fear” might be illuminating when one faces Religious extremists. Plus any grunt who has had to do something because “The Generals” said too, will smile.

Next, I read lots of stuff. I have a pretty beatup copy of Dufffer's Drift I pull out and sometimes I just leaf through my autographed copy of Five Years to Freedom just to think about a great soldier. I’ve read everything I can lay my hands on about Afghanistan. Some of it very solid (Charlie Wilson’s War and the CIA Country Study) some a little softer (The Kite Runner) and the books by that interesting English guy who walked from Heart to Kabul -- Can’t remember cuz I give a lot of my books away, sorry. -- I learn as much from the fiction. I’ll be reading Three Cups of Tea soon. Do you understand the significance of the third cup?

Finally, I’m not an aspiring SF soldier I am one.
I served on active duty (It’s in my profile). And now I’m back in the Guard. I’m lucky enough to be able to share my SF and Conventional experience with a new generation (Literally – I have Privates who were born when I was 32 years old) My Long Tab, that I beat them on the APFT run and because I served a tour in Afghanistan give me some “street cred”. I don't expect to be "dis'd" here.

In conclusion, Lets remember that SF has always been about being the “right cut of cloth” not being the right set of clothes”. We are all entitled to walk our own paths as long as we make the objective within the time on target.
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