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Old 06-14-2016, 15:49   #883
Team Sergeant
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Gretchen Carlson, you're an idiot.

Gretchen Carlson, you're an idiot.

Your gun knowledge is zero. You really should talk to a gun "expert" before ranting against a gun/tool.

There's about 1000 guns that can and will do what Mateen did with an AR-15, he just so happened to use an AR-15. And like you he was a gun novice. Your argument against the AR-15 is on par with using a Ferrari or a Volkswagen to run someone down.

Tell me Gretchen Carlson, who do you think could kill more folks firing a gun, your mother using an AR-15 or a trained soldier firing a revolver?

The AR-15 is a tool, a gun and called by some "assault rifle". And we all know who made up that socialist term, "assault rifle". A gun is no more "powerful" or "deadly" than the joker wielding it. Same goes for most "tools", knives, swords, spears, cannons, bows, etc etc etc

But go ahead and rant like the mindless socialist you really are....
"The Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy, but where they are."
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