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Old 04-26-2015, 00:50   #28
Quiet Professional
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Thailand
Posts: 104
One thing that CISCO (our 007 supply guys) did was come up with a mini mask that worked just for CS/CN gas but not for any biohaz stuff. Lots lighter and easier to carry and don in a hurry.

Last mission I ran with RT Kansas we were sitting in the middle of a NVA trail watch station and ambushed the guys that came looking for us. We decided the best option was to exfil back down the trail to the LZ and scarf up a prisoner or two on the way out.

So Gary Swartzbaugh and I used our sawed off M79s to fire CS rounds ahead of us as we went down the trail (team was wearing masks). Apparently one of the NVA was wounded and alive under the foliage (kind of like big water lily leaves that were about 2 ft off the ground and covered the area under the trees). The team fired on instinct at the movement and it was scratch on possible POW.

We did get another POW further down the hill so it wasn't a total loss but he died in the hospital about 45 min after our return so we didn't get the 30 day leave and $100 reward.

But CS works really well in those cases (suspected ambush sites) if you have the 40mm CS rounds.
Robert "Bru" Taylor

"Fortune Favors the Bold!"
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