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Old 11-10-2020, 16:37   #7
Space Cadet
Join Date: Sep 2020
Posts: 11
Originally Posted by LongWire View Post
It sounds to me like you want to game the system, I may be wrong. Not the first time, however, what do you really want to do?
I served in the unit mentioned in my bio and had an interesting year in RC-E on a short contract that ended when I was 21. Since then I have have gotten an education and worked several years in the space field.

People like Billy Waugh and David Hackworth are the reasons I joined originally out of highschool. I read their books on scouting trips with the BSA. I am not trying to 'game the system.'

The 'New Space' industry is rapidly developing (and fielding) technologies that could turn into assets. These assets could literally re-define what is 'actionable-intel' for anyone of SF's given missions. A lot of this is not the same old 'new stuff' that would trickle down from the prime contractors that is fat with bureaucracy and things like 'field service reps' being sent to units to train courses. I think the ability to land 500 tons of material from orbit would give the guerilla leader quite a lot of marbles to play with. I think I personally could bring a lot of that expertise to SF because I really really freakin' believe in the FID mission that you fine people do.

I think from OSS to now the U.S. has built a tremendous amount of experience in this FID/UW world and that we are/can be so effective it at that it saves lives.
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