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Old 05-17-2004, 11:03   #12
Sacamuelas's Avatar
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Originally posted by surfcolt
Is PRK recognizable when conducting a general eye exam?
I agree with the Reaper concerning the probable intent of your question. Just to give you the information to prevent you from destroying your chances before they begin.

In response to your question:
I got the following response when I posed your question to an expert (Opthalmologist).

"The only way to see that a patient has had PRK is if there is haze or scarring, or by looking at the light reflex coming out of the eye. The definitive way to know for sure is to use a device called a corneal topographer. If a large correction was performed, the central cornea may appear thinned making it obvious to the ophthalmologist that refractive surgery was performed."

So the answer is yes, it can be determined by detailed exam in some instances. Will it show on a basic eye exam, probably not. But don't forget that you could be injured,etc during your training or future career where this type exam would be needed to determine injury/damage extent.

Do you really want to take a chance that a future injury or even specialist exam during your military career could reveal that you falsified your medical history?

Hope the info helps and Good luck.

Last edited by Sacamuelas; 05-17-2004 at 11:06.
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