Thread: FID Iraq
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Old 04-28-2006, 19:06   #2
Jack Moroney (RIP)
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I have participated in a lot of FID missions but I really cannot relate to what you are writing because I am not there nor do I know what mission you have been given and what the desired outcome is for your task. I can provide some comments that may or may not be of any value. First how is your team doing with the cultural aspect of the folks you are advising, how are your language skills or are you working through interpreters? Are you training them in accordance with what the IA will eventually become or are you training them as adjuncts to the US Army? Do the IA leaders of this group understand what is expected from their own chain of command and are they effective? If they are not effective have you been able to identify those that would be more effective and can you channel your efforts through them to get them to do what is needed? How much interaction do you have with them when you are not out beating the bushes and are you truly embedded with them or do you all break off into you own compounds after each mission? Are you equipped the same as they are and how much latitude are you giving them to make the decisions that are necessary to make them complete stakeholders in the outcome? Do you know any of these troops as people or do you just know them as troops that you are advising?
Wenn einer von uns fallen sollt, der Andere steht für zwei.
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