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Old 06-01-2020, 18:40   #7
Area Commander
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This may be a bit rambling to some, to those that lived it will be very familiar.

X imeo (in my experience only) I tired of the phony late ‘60’s, 67-70. It was a period of great unrest with no direction, social ambiguity, with no goals, other than to end a war, and resolve race issues, which once you got through the weed, the conversation was left to the adults.

This is no different, 20 somethings, but unlike the late 60”s, this round of insurrection is grounded in that last failed attempt to overthrow democracy. Those organization that supported the 60’s chaos are headed for the grave, they want a legacy, the difference between then and now, is the brutal force exhibited. They want to exact a price and indoctrinate the next generation of disenfranchised with a blood oath, whereas the Huey Newtons, Chistoms where right in your face. Antifa, the ultimate UW.

That said, this has all the hallmarks of domestic foreign actors in the mix. As a lone voice in the woods, this may nor resonate, but the torching of St. Johns, is the very same context as Notre Dame in Paris. Same actors, tell me I’m on drugs, you are in denial.

This is the most subversive time in our collective history, as much as the rule of law must be followed, it must be ignored to preserve our cultural and our social norms. The question is who is willing and when to act.
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