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Old 02-03-2010, 09:39   #1
Team Sergeant
Quiet Professional
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The sky is falling the sky is falling!!!!!!!!! so WARNS "intelligence officials"

Brillant! And this is why we're spending trillions of taxpayers money.

"Intelligence officials warn"...... allow me to inform the "intelligence officials" that the islamic morons have attempted an attack about every six months since 9/11.

Let's raise our "threat level" to "ultraviolet" and spend another $500 billion in useless TSA security measures. That will show the "mindless public" that the current administration is "attempting" to do something.

It's time to make this "war" (or as obama says "our disagreement") vicious.

I have a novel idea, let's make this fight so brutal that no one wishes to attack America. (I once thought (and was taught) that a standing "Professional" Army was a "deterrent".)

We deter absolutely nothing, terrorists, international drug cartels, rouge nations, nothing.

We have lost our "ferocity". Couple that with a spineless (bowing) administration and you have a recipe to deter, absolutely nothing.

Team Sergeant

Intelligence Officials Warn Attempted Al Qaeda Attack Months Away

The terrorist organization is deploying operatives to the United States to carry out new attacks from inside the country, CIA Director Leon Panetta told Congress

WASHINGTON -- Al Qaeda can be expected to attempt an attack on the United States in the next three to six months, senior U.S. intelligence officials told Congress Tuesday.

The terrorist organization is deploying operatives to the United States to carry out new attacks from inside the country, including "clean" recruits with a negligible trail of terrorist contacts, CIA Director Leon Panetta said. Al Qaeda is also inspiring homegrown extremists to trigger violence on their own, Panetta added.

The annual assessment of the nation's terror threats provided no startling new terror trends, but amplified growing concerns since the Christmas Day airline attack in Detroit that militants are growing harder to detect and moving more quickly in their plots.

"The biggest threat is not so much that we face an attack like 9/11. It is that Al Qaeda is adapting its methods in ways that oftentimes make it difficult to detect," Panetta told the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Al Qaeda is increasingly relying on new recruits with minimal training and simple devices to carry out attacks, the CIA chief said as part of the annual assessment of national threats provided to Congress by the top five U.S. intelligence officials.

"The Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy, but where they are."
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