Thread: Burns
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Old 01-18-2008, 08:22   #19
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Georgia
Posts: 27
I am not a medical professional but I did suffer 2nd and 3rd degree burns on my left leg, left arm and 1st degree burns on the face. As stated already in the 3rd degree burn areas I felt virtually no pain, how ever the 2nd degree burs on the larger portion of my leg and arms were terrible. I was in an ER within about 20 minutes of the incident and the two priorities I kept hearing was infection and dehydration. I hallucinated a lot, I seen everything from spiders to bears trying to get me. As I was only 12 at the time (yes years ago) and medical practice was a bit different then as they are now. I was in a burn unit for almost a month, having the wounds treated, physical therapy and whirl pool baths that were suppose to remove dead tissue. I have had broken bones, teeth knocked out, and cut but of all injuries I have ever sustained the burn was by far the worst for me as far as pain and sheer discomfort.

I would tell anyone if you suffer a burn go see the physician, get expert care!
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