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Old 12-23-2011, 10:28   #78
Quiet Professional
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Nashville
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Originally Posted by MtnGoat View Post
I say other nightmare in Afghanistan is the mangagement of Linguist. Local Terp (LNL) and U.S. hire Linguist. The bases for companies taking over the mangagement of Terps was due, from what I was told, to Embezzlement of funds from or of U.S Military Terp mangagers.

So if a Terp at a local U.S. Firebase. SOF or Conventional was making $800.00 to $1500.00 a month and then had a U.S. military mangager take his and every other terps pay. Say 8 terps.. if one terp made $1500.00.. Well now the U.S. Companies that manage terps now make $3000 to $5000 per Terp, but only pay a terp $650 to $940 a month. While the U.S. military Point Of Contact (POC) acts as a manager for the company fill out time sheet and pay invoices for the company to then charge the US GOVT for there management fees.

I could go on.. but I think you see the ONE MORE nightmare here.
I had no idea funds were screwed up this badly. Let me explain how easy I had it in SOG with funds as it should work in Afghan. I picked up the company pay each month from the S-1. I had 4 terps. The Chief terp, who is in NC, made $430 in 68!He was my highest paid Indig. Next was the second senior most terp who was paid about $340 in P's. Then the other two made about the same as my yard platoon leaders ($240 or so). Heck, the SCU riflemen made $200 a month while viet 2LT's made $25 plus all they could steal.

What you explained is why we are being stolen from and; I think we may well be creating a lot of our own headaches. SF officers should pay the locals. All these contractors competing for local terps if that is true- appears to be a real factor for further corruption.
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