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Old 12-28-2016, 17:01   #29
Quiet Professional
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 492
Hey ROUGUESABRE1, let me help you out of your self-dug hole...

1. We're not your fucking Brothers.

2. Post a proper intro as instructed (without all the sheepdog melodrama & historical allusion).

3. Nobody cares how old you are. Least of all those of us much older.

4. Breathlessly posted hyperbole as incentive for opening some random .pdf file is a violation of forum decorum, common sense, and best internet security practices. .PDF files are a common vehicle for delivery of malware/viruses. You've not been around long enough for anyone to trust you or your random file.

5. This is a Big Boy Room, not a conspiracy site. Type a coherent, reasonably grammatically correct, & plausible message if you wish to be taken seriously... regardless of your background or bona fides. Pretend you're at a staff briefing. One where you have only a minute or two to get your main point across to a very busy and distracted Battalion Commander. If it's interesting, important, and truly urgent... folks will hear you out.

6. Throw us a bone and post (in clear text; no links) a short Executive Summary of your document. One that does not require anyone risking their hard drive to open. Format should be BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front). Thesis Statement and supporting paragraph... followed by any relevant explanatory detail to outline your position and convince us why we should care. A paragraph or three should suffice.

Last edited by Astronomy; 12-28-2016 at 17:59.
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