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Old 05-06-2009, 14:05   #4
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Originally Posted by GrumbleandGrunt View Post
Is this brought on by muscular, tendon, or ligament issues? Is it micro tears leading to strain? .....are there some things I can do to strengthen this weak link and prevent recurrence?

Could be one of several things. However, from the way you describe it, it is most likely an overuse injury (tendinitis) from repetitive motion. Sounds like you've got some inflammation in the tendon that needs to be quieted down with RICE, as you're doing. In cases like this, we usually recommend that you avoid steroid shots (can weaken the tendon), use an oral NSAID such as ibuprofen 400 to 800 mg three times per day with food, relative rest of the muscle involved, ice massge/cold compress, etc... Deep massage may help as well, though can be a bit painful.

This is a very common thing as you get older.

Options for prevention are post-exercise stretching and massage, strengthening opposing muscle groups (triceps in this case), limiting repetitve motion under strain, ice baths of affected part, etc...

If it recurs frequently or doesn't go away, see a doctor. If it recurs, you may need to lay off whatever it is that you are doing to exacerbate it for a month or two.

PT and/or Chiropracic may help in certain difficult cases. PTs can utilize modalities like iontophoresis (pushing steroids through the skin with electric current), etc....
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