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Old 02-01-2017, 00:34   #20
Quiet Professional
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CWII? That could also stand for Cold War Part Deaux since the opposing philosphies are about the same as in Cold War, the Prequel. Just like in WWII, the other side got a early start. Only this time that headstart was something like 50+ years.

Let's meet a member of the offensive team. A graduate of Marxist State and expelled from the Socialist Workers for being too radical, it's Socialist Action.

Here are some key notes from SA's playbook (on their About page):

Class Struggle & Independence: We believe that the world is divided into opposing social classes, and that the main driving force of modern history is the struggle between the working class and the capitalist class. We are active partisans of the working class and believe in the need for independent working class politics – not alliances with the capitalists, or any wing of that class. That is why we call for workers to break from the Democratic Party to build a Labor Party based on the trade unions (they're coming for you too, Pelosi). In all of our political work we seek to get workers to see and think of themselves in terms of class, and to recognize that their class interests are diametrically opposed to that of the capitalists.

Revolution: We believe that the state and all of its institutions are instruments of the ruling class, and that therefore they cannot be used as tools of the working class, but have to be smashed. That is why we fight for revolution, instead of for seeking to merely reform or work within the system. When we fight for specific reforms we do so only with the understanding that in the final analysis real social change can only come about with the overthrow of capitalism (they mean the US and western civilization), and the establishment of a workers’ government.

Here comes identity politics folks. Divide an conquer. Doesn't this next section sound a lot like every progressive or Democrat you've ever heard?
The Specially Oppressed & Oppressed Nationalities: We support the struggles of those who are specially oppressed under capitalism – women, queers, national minorities, etc. We support and help build autonomous movements for the oppressed so that they can articulate their own demands, and develop political consciousness as a group. We support the right of self-determination for oppressed nationalities, including Blacks, Chicanos & Puerto Ricans.

Permanent Revolution: This famous theory by Leon Trotsky (yes, that Trotsky!) holds that revolution in modern times, even in under-developed countries, has to be led by the working class and has to be a fully fledged socialist revolution – revolution cannot go through stages and cannot be made in alliance with any wing of the capitalist class. To be ultimately successful it also needs to be an international revolution. We believe that a successful socialist revolution will result in a workers’ government that is based on elected workers’ councils.

If you still think they sound like a lovely bunch, this Socialist Action, then I invite you to read this article posted on their website: How to Make a Revolution.
Grando autem duodecimo hominis
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