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Old 12-07-2017, 10:45   #8
Quiet Professional
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PTSD is a cottage industry within the SFL - TAP program these days. I can't tell you how many hacks "coached" us to claim PTSD and a host of ailments when I retired. For what reason...?? I don't know. it seems suicidal. It's along the lines of the hacks who coached everyone to claim "Sleep Apnea". If you are a fat-phuc, you may have sleep issues but they aren't "service connected"; it's because you are a fat-phuc. It's all about the snowflakes gaming the system nowadays.

All of us are stressed. Just the act of breathing stresses us in some way. Most of us have had some traumatic stress at some point in our lives. The question is: "does it become a "disorder"? Most can deal with the stress where it is not - or does not become - a disorder; we can live our lives and get healthy acknowledging it and dealing with it.

To claim no stress is being a sociopath.
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