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Old 10-30-2019, 09:00   #13
Quiet Professional
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Idaho
Posts: 1,200
I have adopted a total body workout 3 days a week and, although I'm stuck with the "sissy" weights for the time being, it really seems to be making a difference. For upper body work, I was doing light weight dumbbell presses on the floor for several months but as I was able to increase the weight, it became difficult to get the heavier weights into position to press them without irritating the shoulders. Now, I'm back at the bench but with racks set on both sides to stop the bar, which prevents my upper arms from going past parallel to the floor. The number of reps are low and slowly executed but I also added resistance bands to provide constant tension with the lighter weight.

Having to relearn how to do squats and deadlifts properly is also a challenge but proving beneficial. I've got trash for knees, which, along with the lower spine, more so on the left side, make it tricky to execute repetitions. But I'm making progress, even if it is barely perceptible. Good thing I have my own little gym rack in the garage to avoid public mockery.

The goal is to increase weight/resistance at a glacial pace to avoid any more setbacks in my personal chess match between my will to get back to being active and the myriad of chassis damage I've been saddled with.
"It is a brave act of valor to condemn death, but where life is more terrible than death, it is then the truest valor to dare to live." -Sir Thomas Browne (1605-1682)
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