Thread: Martial Arts
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Old 07-14-2012, 14:11   #142
Posts: n/a
My take on it is this, JohnIll. There are many effective martial arts out there. I have not trained in any of them. Just because someone else is effective at teaching and doing the art they do, does not garuntee someone else taking those lessons will be that good. It all boils down to how many hours per day you spend training, practicing, studying, and perfecting your craft. And how good do you want to be? Is three days a week good enough? Four? How many weeks a year? Thirty nine? Fourty nine?

Secondly, there are a lot of teachers out there that are about the money, I have not trained with any of them.

Being about the money isn't all that bad. Afterall IF what they are teaching may someday save your life then you have to ask just how much is your life worth, and how bad do you want to learn what it is they have to offer.

Sure there may be somthing closer, and more within your budget that can be great as well, but if you find an instructor five states away that teaches what you want to learn, are you ready to pack up the wife and kids and move out there to work at a job and train with that person? Or go to college in that city to be with that instructor?

Your life should adapt and cater to the martial arts, not the other way around, that being the martial arts bending to suit your needs, and fit your perceptions.

As far as money goes, someone has to pay for the space, mat, rings, equipment, sports tape, insurance on the lease, electricity, parking lot re-striping, and so on if that stuff is used.

Anyways, just some food for thought!

Last edited by Sarski; 07-14-2012 at 14:19.
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