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Old 10-07-2017, 13:46   #128
Quiet Professional
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Originally Posted by Box View Post
It makes you wonder how long amateur hour at the USMA has really been going on.
For as long as I can remember, folks (including non-USMA officers) have looked upon the ring knockers with a certain level of contempt. Its never a good idea to paint everything with a wide brush but stereotypes are often born from a certain degree of truthfulness...

My problem isn't with the changing standards - my problem rests entirely with the abject leadership hypocrisy demonstrated by administrators and senior leaders and it goes back for decades.

Slick Willie sodomized a subordinate in the oval office - in the aftermath - junior soldiers had to wear an Army value card on their dog tag chain. Senior leaders fuck their subordinates wives, lie on travel vouchers, skirt regulations, and participate in countless boondoggles while simultaneously destroying the careers of subordinates for minor infractions.
One group is savaged and the other is allowed to slip silently into the night without harm.
Rapone is just emulating his leaders.

We aren't supposed to single out a troop that wants to suck dick as being a shit bag - even though he really is a shit bag, but we will call a better soldier a shit bag because he needs a haircut.
...or punches an Afghan cop
...or shoots an Afghan IED maker
Let's just make sure we don't offend anyone - diversity in the military is the road to success on the battlefield.

There is a reason that the rank and file troop increasingly disrespects and resists military authority - it is because they increasingly see those in authority abuse that trust.
Its ok to fuck your biographer
Its ok to defraud the government out of travel funds
Its ok to bend the regulations for the commander
...bouse your boots troop - you look like a shit bag

This assbag isn't fucked up - he is simply following the example of his leaders.

Sorry about taking your actions out of context LT Rapone - go back to emulating your leaders.

That is all.....
^^^^^^^^^ FREAKING WELL STATED!!!!!!

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