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Old 09-05-2014, 19:19   #19
Posts: n/a
I don't work for this company, and do not specifically recommend that you buy from them, but a gym would be pretty much complete with everything found in this package.

Regular strength training; including the squat, deadlift, and press is pretty much essential to anyone serious about athletic training.

Regular sessions of cardio 2-3 times a week combined with a simple strength routine will keep you strong, fast, injury free which is what the majority of people want.

The good thing about equipment like this is that it will last forever. I lift on the same eleiko barbell that my father trained with in his 20's and its almost 30 years old now. Your kids can fight over it when you die.

Other than the equipment, I would invest in a number of mobility and prehab/rehab tools. A roller like the one found here:

Will do wonders on your quads and lower back. If you're cheap like me, you can just use a large pvc pipe. Add in a lacrosse ball, maybe some acute compression bands, and if you've got the coin, a marcpro type tens unit, and you'll be pretty damn limber.
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