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Old 02-03-2010, 12:52   #12
Area Commander
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We have lost our "ferocity". Couple that with a spineless (bowing) administration and you have a recipe to deter, absolutely nothing.

Team Sergeant
I agree.

The question is how to reaffirm our strength in the face of a MSM-sensitive Government. It would seem that one approach would be tp respond to attacks with overwhelming strength (economic and military), crush the enemy with such force as to assert the belief in their hearts and minds that more will surely come, regardless of the religious fabric of their country, regardless of whether they are hiding in mosques or schools. Then, when the Madison Ave PR tribe starts rattling their pacifiers (which will be loud and clear), ignore them...completely. Use the Dog Whisperer tactic: "No look, no touch, no eye contact".

IMO, we have become weak in our resolve and lost our "ferocity" because we have buckled under to perceived public opinion with confusion and indecision. We've begun to believe the publicity of our enemies. The PCs of the world have had their way long enough.
"Do not go gentle into that good night..."
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