Thread: Questions
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Old 02-10-2015, 11:25   #2
Team Sergeant
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Originally Posted by LongWayToGo View Post
First off, thank you to the QPs for everything you have done and continue to do. As I am in your home, I have done my best to make a respectful first impression: I have posted an introduction, filled out my profile, read all of the stickies, read 'A Message To Garcia', searched other threads for my questions, and have been lurking and researching on this forum before opening my mouth. The last thing I want to do is disrespect you in any way.
With that being said, I am a highschool senior aspiring to one day be SF. I know you guys hear this all the time, so I will get right to it:

1.) When I PT, I commonly think to myself thoughts that make me competitive. Wanting to do SF, the slots are always limited, so I'll think something like, 'Are you going to let him beat you? Does he want this more than you?'. Do you think that this attitude is selfish, and could inhibit teamwork in the future?

2.) After reading some books on SEALs, it seems that they have a thought that always hits them when they think about quitting (ex. I don't want to go back to the fleet.). Did you have anything like this is in SF training? What kept you going when the little voice in your head told you to quit?

3.) Finally, what can I be doing now to prepare myself for the difficult life of SF? Literally every day I PT, read books related to the field, study for school, and teach myself arabic off of the internet.

Thank you for your time. Again, I tried to do everything right before posting. If I didn't, I will correct my mistake and be gone until ready to return.
Yeah, none of us have that little voice in our heads, we don't quit, ever.

And before you post again I would suggest you read everything in the "Pipeline" first.
"The Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy, but where they are."
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