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Old 08-09-2014, 00:26   #5
Quiet Professional
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...the word vote
That word just tickles the shit out of me when it is used in context with our current government.


Our government has gone well beyond the point where voting has anything to do with governance.

We like to talk about "reconnecting the populace of Afghanistan with the GiROA" as if we as Americans even understand what the fuck that might mean anymore. If EVER there was a populace that needs to be reconnected to the government process, it is the United Statres of America. Our country has become a punchline, governed by sound bites and slogans...
"hope and change"
"Believe in America"
"country first"
"yes we can"
"the real deal"
"a stronger aMerica"
"Prosperity and Progress"
"Building a bridge to the twenty-first century"
"It's Time to Change Americe"
"Morning Again in America"
"Leader, For a Change"

...what a fucking joke.
Worse yet, is that Americans LOVE this bullshit.

Oddly, one thing the Carter/Clinton/Obama campaigns ALL have in common is the desire to change America.
-Well congratufuckinglations on that... its working just as planned. Keep up the good work with the bullshit, meaningless slogans, and we'll keep taking it in the ass and pretending that it doesn't hurt.

At least the Afghans are honest enough to cop to the fact that tribal affiliation is the engine that runs their country. We will fucking argue the color of the natural sky simply because the other party spoke first. The Afghans still have something that died in Americans a generation or twoo in the past...

Thats sad. Its a shame. It's difficult to opine. It's also hard for me to see anyhting on our national stage that can convince me otherwise. There is no spirit left in america. Just empty partisan politics blindly throwing themselves at the wall to see what sticks. Randomly trying to bribe their way into the success during next election cycle.
...bribing the voters with OUR money of course but bribing them just the same.

If the republicans saw an influx of votes with "amnesty and transformation", El Paso would already have a new mayor, and he wouldn't speak english as his first langugae. The street bums from Cuernavaca would already be running for California State senate seats...
...but the assumption is that the illegal aliens will vote democrat, so we gotta stop that shit cold.

Republicans don't give a fuck about what is going on in this country, they are just worried that they might note "hold the house" or "take the senate". Its just a game to these scurvy ingrates. It isn't about right/wrong/good/bad, its only about who has power...
...of course, the democrats and their supporters couldn't give a shit less about the future of our country either, as long as they can use public policy to bribe their way into getting a few more bodies to go out and vote democrat during the next election.

wow...there is that word again...


...what the fuck ever.
Opinions stated in this post are solely those of the author, and in no way reflect the opinions or policies of The Department of Defense, The United States Army, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, The Screen Actors Guild, The Boy Scouts, The Good, The Bad, or The Ugly. These opinions are provided purely as overly sarcastic social commentary and are not meant to be used for mission planning or navigation.

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-Airplane Safety Briefing

Last edited by Box; 08-09-2014 at 00:37.
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