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Old 04-17-2018, 09:00   #29
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 5
The thing about all this is that everything has become so polarized. Despite that, and despite calls for the liberal media for us to come together, it seems like their only goal is to further divide us. I´m sure it is likely linked to trying to publish sensational and attention grabbing stories because those get viewers and in turn, money; however all it really does is turn the country against itself more and more. I understand the people don want their leader to have done something like sleep with a porn star and then pay her off to keep his reputation is tact, but as has been stated before in this thread, it really is not the worst thing that has been done by a government official, hell, he wasn´t even in office at the time it occurred. Really all this attention to the story, which I feel like has been dragged out every night for ages now, is probably just making it harder for things to get done, because it is something else on the administrations plate that really is not needed.
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