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Old 01-16-2018, 07:59   #8
Quiet Professional
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Georgia, Florida and North Carolina (its complicated)
Posts: 92
That's correct - at least in my experience, you'll get to the Q faster by joining an SF unit in a support role than you will trying to transfer into an SF unit from an outside.

Plus, to exsquid's point, join the Guard in a state that has the para and line number for the 18-series position that you want. Remember, when you join the Guard, you join a state militia plus the federal reserve. You can IST (inter-state transfer) from one state to another, but it can be a time consuming PITA, and it's a road-bump you can avoid by planning ahead.

Again, though, find a unit (or two) that you're comfortable commuting to, and get in touch with them. They can hook you up with the right recruiter and help you work through a lot of these issues. Do not do anything based on a recruiter's information or promises, unless that recruiter is aligned with an SF unit.
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