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Old 07-27-2013, 11:58   #17
Area Commander
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Originally Posted by The Reaper View Post
These atheists who are trying to bring down the system will not fare nearly as well under sharia rule.

Nor will the Jews, Gays, Lesbians, Eco Nuts, Animal Rights......anyone who goes against the will of Allah as seen by the Islamists.

Hell of a lot of of Leon Trotsky's in the making.

While I don't condone calling people names, it would be interesting to hear the other side of the story and what precipitated the 'Jew' remark towards Mikey's son.

Well............from Casey Weinstein

From: Casey Weinstein
To: “Detractor”
Subject: Re: A Jewish Parent’s Response to Mikey Weinstein

Dear sir,
My name is Casey Weinstein. I am Mikey Weinstein’s son, a 2004 graduate of the Air Force Academy. It’s come to my attention that you wrote a note to MRFF and my family announcing that ‘all is clear’ at the Academy. While I am truly glad to hear that your children have not encountered religious harassment or institutional violations of the separation of church and state, I’m concerned by the tone of your email, particularly since you neglected to thank my father and my family for elevating this issue to the point of at least partial resolution. Indeed, taken at face value, your note is a slap in the face to my family. Are you insinuating that there is and has been NO problem at the Academy? Assuming I interpreted your email correctly, I’d like to share a few points with you:

1) My brother Curtis (class of 2007) and I did receive more than our share of harassment, intolerance, and institutional evangelization during our tenior at the Academy. Since you seem to be unaware, I’ll give you some examples of what we dealt with:
- Being called a ‘Fucking Jew’ and being addressed solely as ‘Jew’ by some of our classmates
- Having to march in ‘Heathen flight’ during Basic Cadet Training
- Being ostracized from our classmates for attending Friday night services, as training sessions conflicted with services at that time
- Sitting through countless mandatory briefings from members of our chain-of-command and ‘motivational’ speakers who were overtly pushing Christianity
- Having my fellow cadets pressure me to convert to Christianity
- Having post cards for ‘The Passion of the Christ’ plastered all over the Academy
- Having my Vice Wing Commander send out a wing-wide email advertising a ‘cadet-only’ screening and bashing anyone who took issue with the film
- Having my Rabbi agree to turn the National Prayer Breakfast into a Christian Service, and warning us not to make a fuss about it

*Note that this is a small sampling of what happened to us personally. There are far more heinous acts that have been and are being committed against our thousands of clients who have contacted us for help since we went public and founded MRFF

2) Beyond what happened at the Academy, my wife (also my classmate from USAFA) and I experienced countless incidents of religious harassment in the Active Duty Air Force that are far too numerous to list here.

3) My family has experienced a series of hateful acts against us personally, including having our tires slashed, windows shot out, thousands of death-threats leveled against us over the years, and a swastica and cross plastered over the front of our home. My father also sacrificed his and my mom’s financial security to make this cause his life’s work. So, this is personal for us.

4) We are not a ‘Jewish’ organization. In fact, the vast majority of our clients are Christian. So, you are spot on when you note that your observations are not ‘scientific’ – particularly since you’ve never spent a day as a Cadet – yet you feel comfortable enough to have formed an opinion about the entire institution.

Finally, my wife, who is also my classmate from the Air Force Academy, was never raped during the sexual assault scandal that we went through while cadets, though she did experience a harrowing incident that I won’t detail in this note. I would never think, however, to tell her that (in my opinion) I thought all was fine, and that The Academy does a great job of preventing and prosecuting sexual assaults. That seems to be what you’re telling us about the religious climate, though.

I hope you’ll understand that we have paid and are paying a significant price for speaking up about this. Before you signal that the issue we’ve fought so hard for as a family is non-existent, you should remember that.

Casey Weinstein

I may be wrong, but seems like a whole lot of drama, whole lot of butt hurt, a whole lot of poor me and a whole lot of the world is against me.....I was just standing here, minding my own business, not bothering a soul and I got picked on for absolutely no reason.

And Mikey, he is a lawyer, he got some money, he thinks he kid can do no wrong and decides to get even while making a buck. Mikey might be one of those parents that show up at school with legal representation over a grade card.
When a man dies, if nothing is written, he is soon forgotten.

Last edited by Paslode; 07-27-2013 at 12:29.
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