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Old 08-23-2010, 19:47   #70
Quiet Professional
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Diamondhead, MS
Posts: 29

I was a Boy Scout--did not make it to Eagle, one of my few regrets. ended at Life Scout. However, my scouting helped in many ways when I entered the military. While many other recruits struggled with establishing a "pace count," I knew what that was and I was already proficient in land navigation. I also understood the do's and dont's of survival and did not ever struggle with wood-craft and field craft of any nature. In short, I was prepared for the field and never had to waste energy or brainpower picking up field craft. I could always concentrate on the pure military aspects of the training. All because I had a good scout-master.
Later, much later I became involved in Scouting as an adult and attained the rank of Wood-Badge--which was also a breeze after 33 yrs of SF time. A sort of reversal of skill sets.
There are no better laws to live by than the Boy Scout Laws.
Scout training helped immensely in my military training and later military training helped as much in training young scouts and scout leaders.
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