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Old 01-01-2017, 21:00   #54
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Central Valley California.
Posts: 13

Originally Posted by Brush Okie View Post
Not are there any Lt's in CAPOC that are 37 or 38's. If you see a butter bar in a CAPOC unit he/she is admin not CA or Psyop. I did see one exceptoin in the mid 90's. He was a guy that did 10 years in 1st group as an NCO, got out and came back in as an officer. They made an exception for him.
Wow, no that's not the right Scott Bennett. Scott Bennett I'm referring to is a whistle-blower. His Congressional 80 page Report can be found on-line. Further he conducted a 2.5hr video interview on project camelot (that's the way it's spelled) one word, dot, org.

He worked for SOCOM and was sent to CENTCOM to find out how ALQUIDA was being funded. Short story is, his team found that the Union Bank of Switzerland was responsible. When he filed his report with command, he was arrested while on Post, and charged with having an unregistered weapon in his base housing. Further, was handed off to the civilian authorities and thrown in jail for 3 years. Kind of like a Civilian COP giving a speeding ticket to a tank and throwing the tank-driver in jail for doing his job. This Scot Bennett that I'm referring to is the real deal. you might want to know that with what he found this war could have been closed out 7 years ago. Not to mention, you might want to hear him tell you what Hillary and Obama did with the UB of Switzerland thereafter.
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