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Old 02-14-2018, 10:45   #17
Mustang Man
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If you entered basic training as sh*t bag with no discipline, you'll still graduate as one. 12 weeks does not give someone a magical epiphany of being a better person/more efficient asset. IMO from what I observed those that started strong finished strong, those that satrted weak finished weak. Yes, I understand BCT is just the basics, but this shouldnt be about making minuscule adjustments in BCT. Rather recrtuitng QUALITY people to start BCT in the first place. I understand it's a numbers game, which is why I've always been in favor of a draft. Maybe if our political leaders were drafted they'd understand we hate parades and are a waste of time...
"Thanking Obama for killing Bin Laden is like going into McDonalds and thanking Ronald McDonald for the hamburger. It's the guy cooking the burger that should get the credit, not the clown."

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