View Full Version : Janet Reno...

03-15-2004, 01:29
Boxers or Briefs?

03-15-2004, 10:30
Originally posted by Tracy
Boxers or Briefs?

Gotta be....

Boxers. Wool. No soft, unscratchy cotton for that one.

03-15-2004, 11:07
G-string :D

The Reaper
03-15-2004, 11:10
Strap on, I would imagine.

03-15-2004, 12:48

03-15-2004, 13:12
Originally posted by Para
G-string :D

That's sick! That's a picture I could have done without.

(But they'd have to be wool or canvas.)

03-15-2004, 14:34
Long underwear and flannel boxers.

Janet Reno caught Moonlighting as Men's underwear Model!! (http://www.snottybitch.com/mentalboogers/underoos.html)

WASHINGTON, DC - Attorney General Janet Reno was caught "debriefing" as a Men's underwear model for a major department store chain catalog!

The photographs appeared in the new Autumn/Winter edition with Ms. Reno posing in long men's underwear and flannel boxers. Wearing a short black wig and fake mustache, the Attorney General appears on six different page spreads looking very comfortable and natural in her attire.

Capitol Hill got wind of the news when an undisclosed source at the Department store chain headquarters sent photographs of Ms. Reno putting on her disguise before the photo shoot.

"Well now that the cat's out the bag", the flustered Ms. Reno said, "I might as well admit it."

She told the press that modeling men's underwear makes her feel powerful and confident, and that doing the shoot really helped during the Elian Gonzalez fiasco. "I sure wish I had a pair on during the Waco hearings." She added.

Ms. Reno's press agent said the Attorney General has been known to pee standing up occasionally and now that her "little secret" has been discovered, it all makes sense.

"At first I thought it was really strange when I'd walk into the john and see her shoes facing the wrong direction, but I figured she was just really stressed out." Her press agent said.

"This also explains all those inspected by No 6. stickers she has all over her PC." Her press agent added.

03-15-2004, 15:27

lrd, you're killing me. Did you read the J-Lo infomercial next to this article?

back on topic...

Reno's standard wardrobe (information leaked by Marie LeVeaux):

Para's G-string (who knew he was a lingerie designer as well as a great cook?)
No bra - probably uses Ace bandages to flatten what little she has
Hair shirt
flannel trousers
wool socks
Ummm, I would say Army boots here, but I would not want to offend the Army in that manner. Oops...or any other manner.

Edited because I want to avoid GIC.

03-15-2004, 16:10
Originally posted by myclearcreek

lrd, you're killing me. Did you read the J-Lo infomercial next to this article?
I blew the punch line on my joke about Mr. Harsey's PM box, so I thought I'd try again. I'm happy to say that I can save my husband the price of J-Lo's "Bad Momma Butt Shaper," as flour tortillas with butter seem to have taken care of that for me.

03-15-2004, 17:08
Originally posted by lrd
I blew the punch line on my joke about Mr. Harsey's PM box, so I thought I'd try again. I'm happy to say that I can save my husband the price of J-Lo's "Bad Momma Butt Shaper," as flour tortillas with butter seem to have taken care of that for me.

HAHAHA. Tortillas and butter for the mass, and power walks will provide the definition, right? ;)