View Full Version : Blackwater Law Suit

12-22-2005, 11:03


12-22-2005, 12:05
"All four had military experience and signed contracts assuming all risks and waiving their right to sue."

That said, if they had felt that the mission was undermanned or lacked sufficient firepower, they most likely would never have rolled out the gate. As a civilian contractor, the one thing you can do that the AD military can't do is say "NO" at any time. It's very unfortunate that these men were killed, but they assumed the risks when they entered the combat zone.

As a civilian contractor, I've been sent to places and situations where I've been shot at, rocketed, and mortared. I've rode down dirt trails with an ODA where just hours before, men were killed in ambushes and IED attacks. I've sat OPs, walked back to the base, and watched mortars impacting where I had been standing minutes earlier. I can't even go into all the really good stuff. To be perfectly honest, at times I was certain that I was going to be killed any minute, but I wouldn't trade those experiences for anything. There's a better than even chance I'll be in the box again within the next few weeks. I'll also be in a certain South American country within the next three months. I sleep in the same dirt in the same hootch and eat the same food as the people I support. I don't make much more than a mid-grade officer, but for me it's not about the money. I'd do it for free if I could afford to. I do it because no one else I work with will, and I do it because it allows me an opportunity to serve my Country and the Soldiers fighting for it. My wife and family fully understand the risks involved and why I go, without even knowing what it is I do. I assume all risks, and I'll be damned if me or my family sues anyone for my own choices.