View Full Version : Anybody speak Slovenian?

Roguish Lawyer
08-28-2005, 16:41
I would appreciate a translation of this:

Anže Kopitar danes podpisal pogodbo z LA Kings
Piše: Špela Predan

Anže Kopitar je danes, na svoj 18. rojstni dan, v Södertälju podpisal svojo prvo pogodbo z NHL moštvom LA Kings, ki ga je kot prvi izbor izbralo na Draftu. S podpisano pogodbo je naš mladi center izredno zadovoljen, saj so mu ponudili štiriletno pogodbo (1+3), v kateri je dobil vse, kar si »rookie« lahko le želi.

S klubom se je dogovoril, da ga bo za letos še »posodil« švedskemu klubu Södertälje SK, naslednjo sezono pa se bo Anže za tri leta preselil v Los Angeles - torej 1+3 letna pogodba.

Anže je trenutno na Švedskem, 30. avgusta in 1. septembra pa si ga boste lahko ogledali na turnirju v Salzburgu, kjer bo odigral dve tekmi za svoj švedski klub.

V soboto 3. septembra bo odpotoval v Los Angeles, kjer bo sodeloval na dvotedenskem pripravljalnem kempu in v sklopu priprav odigral tri prijateljske NHL tekme s članskih moštvom LA Kings (Anaheim, San Jose in Phoenix).

Lepo darilo za rojstni dan, ni kaj.
Iz Slovenije ti kličemo


Thank you!

08-28-2005, 17:57
Hey RL did you try using Google to translate it? If you highlight the text and then right-click you should see an option at the bottom to translate into english. It may work for you. I already tried but it didn't work for me. Your computer maybe different.

08-28-2005, 20:19
Caveat--- I Do Czech and Serbo-Croation, Slovenian is somewhere in between so this is a little rough..

Anze Kopitar signed contract with LA Kings Today
Writer: Špela Predan

Anze Koptiar , today on his 18th birthday in Sodertaju, signed his first contract with the NHL Team LA KINGs, who picked him in the first round of the Draft.

<rough>Our young center is really satisfied with the agreement, which offered him a three year contract (1+3) which is more than a "Rookie" could hope for

<Really rough>It was agreed that he would spend the rest of the season with the Swedish Klub SodertaljeSK, and the following seasons, anze will ?move? to Los Angeles for three years, 1+3 year contract.

Anze is currently in Sweden, and from 30 Aug to 1 Sept he can be seen in Salzburg, where he will play two matches with his swedish club

On Saturday 3 September he will travel to Los Angeles, where he will ?Take part? in the two week preparation Camp in conjuction with getting ready to play three friendly NHL Matches as a member of the the LA KINGS

A Nice Birthday Present...
From Slovenia we wish


OK, That was without a dictionary and with no training in slovenian, so no promises on perfect accuracy

08-28-2005, 22:08
Caveat--- I Do Czech and Serbo-Croation, Slovenian is somewhere in between so this is a little rough..

OK, That was without a dictionary and with no training in slovenian, so no promises on perfect accuracy

Are you not being a bit hard on yourself?!? ;)

08-28-2005, 22:10
Are you not being a bit hard on yourself?!? ;)

Maybe, but he's a lawyer.......

Roguish Lawyer
08-29-2005, 11:06
Close enough, Hugh. Many thanks!

08-29-2005, 13:19
Caveat--- I Do Czech and Serbo-Croation, Slovenian is somewhere in between so this is a little rough..

Anze Kopitar signed contract with LA Kings Today
Writer: Špela Predan

Anze Koptiar , today on his 18th birthday in Sodertaju, signed his first contract with the NHL Team LA KINGs, who picked him in the first round of the Draft.

<rough>Our young center is really satisfied with the agreement, which offered him a three year contract (1+3) which is more than a "Rookie" could hope for

<Really rough>It was agreed that he would spend the rest of the season with the Swedish Klub SodertaljeSK, and the following seasons, anze will ?move? to Los Angeles for three years, 1+3 year contract.

Anze is currently in Sweden, and from 30 Aug to 1 Sept he can be seen in Salzburg, where he will play two matches with his swedish club

On Saturday 3 September he will travel to Los Angeles, where he will ?Take part? in the two week preparation Camp in conjuction with getting ready to play three friendly NHL Matches as a member of the the LA KINGS

A Nice Birthday Present...
From Slovenia we wish


OK, That was without a dictionary and with no training in slovenian, so no promises on perfect accuracyPretty good job. A few slight differences, but as much a matter of idiom than anything else. No significant change of meaning:
Anzhe Kopitar signed contract today with the LA Kings

In Södertäl today, on his 18th birthday, Anzhe Kopitar signed his first contract with the NHL Team the LA Kings, who had picked him as [their] first choice in the draft. Our young center is extremely satisfied with the signing of the agreement, as they offered him a three-year contract (1+3), in which he received all that a rookie could ever want.

He arranged with the club for him to be "lent" for this year to the Swedish Club Södertäl SK, and next season Anzhe would be moved to Los Angeles for three years, thus the 1+3-year contract.

Anzhe is in Sweden for the moment, and from 30 August to 1 September he can be seen in a tournament in Salzburg, where he will play two matches for his Swedish club.

On Saturday 3 September he will travel to Los Angeles, where he will participate in the two week preparation camp and in conjuction preparations to play three friendly NHL matches with the fellow teams of the LA Kings (Anaheim, San Jose and Phoenix).

A nice birthday present, isn't it?

From Slovenia we wish…

ALL THE BEST ANZHE!!!I changed the name to Anzhe, because the ž doesn't show up in a lot of font sets. It is pronounced, more or less, like Angie, so he should be in for some teasing.

08-29-2005, 15:31
double tap

08-29-2005, 15:32
Pretty good job. .

Pat self on back, good job self....

Are you a Native or a "learned" Slovenian lingy?

08-29-2005, 16:27
Pat self on back, good job self....

Are you a Native or a "learned" Slovenian lingy?Learned. Like you, I came at it with a background in Serbo-Croatian and other Slavic languages, but I worked with the Slovenian Army once upon a time and try to keep up on languages when I'm not doing real work.