View Full Version : Another cool item...

07-18-2005, 14:54
...but for free.


I use a lot of Googles tools like when looking up an address I also look at the imagery to get a feel for the lay of the land.

07-18-2005, 15:04
Sir, how do you feel about them and certain other companies restricting search results, opening source code (MS), creating mobile phone filtering systems, etc?

I'm considering boycotting some or all. They do have very good products, though.

07-18-2005, 18:18
I love that app. I can spend hours at work looking up neat stuff.

I look at my school all the time. :D 7800 S. 17-92 Fern Park, FL 32730 :lifter

I know source code is a touchy subject but how do you expect companies to keep making this cool stuff if they can't make a profit?

If anyone has trouble downloading this I have it on my server. www.tkdresource.com/apps/GoogleEarth.exe. Be kind.

07-18-2005, 18:54

07-19-2005, 06:57
Terraserver is alright. They used to free, back in the day when the sight was first put up. . Now you can only zoom in so far. Cool program though. Found my house with it.

07-19-2005, 09:30
I know source code is a touchy subject but how do you expect companies to keep making this cool stuff if they can't make a profit?
I meant the other way around, I'm unhappy about MS opening their source code for China. I don't like that google filters democratic key words there, or that Nokia or if it was Sony Ericsson (both have big business there) builds filtering systems.

If somebody doesn't want to share the source code, I don't have a problem with that. That means I either have to pay up or find a way around it.

Haven't tried Google Earth yet, I like maps.google.com though. There's something intriguing about looking at maps. :)

07-27-2005, 08:05
i've used MSN Terraserver for quite awhile, but Google Earth looks like it has a bit more potential...alot more potential, actually...