View Full Version : In Search Of Third Group: Hotel Rwanda Movie Review

Roguish Lawyer
06-04-2005, 11:18
Just saw this last night, and boy was it good. The movie depicts unrest in Rwanda during 1994, and tells the story of a Hutu luxury hotel manager who sheltered about 2800 Tutsis from the Hutu militia. I don't know if the film is historically accurate or not, but I found it convincing and powerful. Don Cheadle's performance was great. Nick Nolte's, not so much. Excellent Second Amendment movie. :)

Anyone else see it?

06-04-2005, 12:28
I watched it last week, but didn't care much for it. Besides Cheadle's performance, it was a bit too "hollywoodized". Like you, I don't know how much of the events depicted are accurate. It seemed they tried to do a documentary, but turned it into a movie. This is a good book (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0312243359/104-6139915-2863118?v=glance) about that atrocity in 94.

06-04-2005, 13:10
I have also seen it and enjoyed it immensely. Don Cheadle is now on my "favorite actors" list. Also, a number of my friends who were with the UN in Rwanda told me that it brought back memories they'd not had in a long time.

06-04-2005, 13:19
Don Cheadle's performance was great. Nick Nolte's, not so much.Agreed. My favorite scenes were when Cheadle was getting the Good General and the Bad General to do the right thing.


06-04-2005, 16:45
Ghosts of Rwanda (http://www.shoppbs.org/product/index.jsp?productId=1786689) is a documentary that originally aired on Frontline last year. It was made before the movie and before Gen. Dallaire published. It is very difficult to watch, not sensational, but it does look fully at all the players in the tragedy - and representatives from every side give their view. If you don't understand how people can act this way or how others just let it happen (and I certainly don't claim to know), it is the best film I've ever seen to let you view the full range of human capacity. Perhaps you can find it at the library, if not the video store. I encourage anyone most strongly to see it.