View Full Version : interesting

03-29-2005, 01:51
I'm sorry if this doesn't belong here. I looked over the site and couldn't find one thread that this would be fine for. Just wanted to share this.

You media pansies may squeal and may squirm,
>But a fightin' man knows that the way to confirm,
>A terrorist bastard truly is dead,
>Is a brain-tappin' round fired into his head.
>To hell with some wienie with journalist degree
>Safe from the combat, tryin' to tell me,
>I should check him for breathin'-examine his eyes.
>Nope, I'm punchin' his ticket to Muj paradise.
>To hell with you wimps from your Ivy League schools,
>Sittin' safe from the war while makin' up rules
>And preachin' to me your wrong-headed contention
>That I should observe the Geneva Convention,
>Which doesn't apply to terrorist scum
>So evil and cruel their own people run from
>These cold-blooded killers who love to behead.
>So, hell with "Geneva" : I'm leavin' 'em dead.
>You slick talking heads may preach, preen and prattle,
>But you're damn well not here in the thick of battle.
>It's chaotic, confusin' it all comes at you fast,
>So it's MUJ checkin' out, 'cause I'm going to last.
>Yeah, I'll last through this fight, and send him away
>To his mythical virgins while I fight one more day.
>If you journalist wienies think that's cold, cruel and crass,
>Then pucker up sweeties, kiss your fightin' man's ass.