View Full Version : New Fl Law

03-25-2005, 09:47



03-25-2005, 09:53
LOL - this should be interesting. Any bets as to when it goes to the SCOTUS?

03-25-2005, 12:23
Interestingly enough this isn't a new idea. Apparently a number of state legislatures are looking into this or have already passed similar legislation. I remember reading about it during the elections when it came up in a number of different states. If I can find the source I'll post the link. Personally I love the idea. I've got family members / in-laws on both sides who have been "lost to academia" for their entire adult life. They might as well have joined a cult for all the relationship their views and the environment in which they formed them relate to reality. It's about time the winds of change blew some fresh air into college classrooms. (And we always though the military was a closed conservative [resistant to change] society.) FWIW - Peregrino

03-25-2005, 13:29
Frankly, I find this revolting. If, as a young conservative, you are too much of a sissy or slacker to critique a professor's argument, articulate your counter-argument convincingly and respectfully, and anticipate the likely retorts - then you should just high-tail it back to the College Republicans and paint some more yard signs.

College is not supposed to be easy. It is not a place to go to affirm your beliefs. It is where you go to learn to REASON and to SYNTHESIZE new information. Personally, I went to two fairly liberal schools and often sought out the most left-leaning professors on campus. When confronted with an intelligent, respectful and pugnacious young conservative, many of those professors became grudging advocates or even friends.

If you are a student and are serious about your beliefs, then buck up and make yourself heard in the most convincing way possible. Challenge yourself to spend time with others who may hold different beliefs, and engage them constantly in the war of ideas while trying to win their friendship. You will spend the rest of your life feeling outnumbered on one issue or another, so don't resort to sissy little court tricks to get your point across.