View Full Version : Earned an 18x on sandhill (OSUT FT. BENNING)

04-09-2021, 18:42
I was 36 when I shipped to to infantry basic training at fort Benning. I couldn't get an 18x contract at meps, but decided to roll the dice and hope to pick one up at OSUT. ITS POSSIBLE!! You must have a GT score of 110 or higher, be at least 21, and score higher that a 270 on the apft. If you don't meet any of those standards you will not get one. Only 2 of us got an 18x contract. So many where disqualified for GT scores and age (too young). This website gave me confidence to roll the dice for the 18x contract, and I feel like I must pay it forward to the next man. Good luck and make sure you meet those requirements, they give NO WAIVERS, actually I got an age waiver because I was too old but they don't give any for GT or Apft scores.I saw many heartbreaks because they where told different. Hope this helps good luck.

04-10-2021, 05:59
age is just a matter of mind over matter. Get after it and good luck!!

Now...I will say, I am feeling more and more of those "matters" as I age, but that must be my craziness taking over. This morning I am identifying as a 22 year old, freedom fighter who can leap tall buildings, run across States, swim the pacific ocean and hop-scotch up Pike's Peak. Now...if I could just roll my ass out of this chair to hobble over for another cup of coffee....

Seriously, I don't think I started slowing down until about age 50 or so. Good luck!!