View Full Version : Who is the person?

02-18-2019, 08:54
I used to think I was just a regular person, but I was born white, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me a racist.

I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today's standards make me a fascist.

I am heterosexual, which now makes me a homophobe.

I am mostly non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an ally of big business.

I was christened by my parents (who were married, in a church and remained married until they died), which now labels me as an infidel.

I am 71 and retired, which makes me useless.

I think and I reason, therefore I believe little that the mainstream media tells me, which must make me a reactionary.

I am proud of my heritage which makes me a xenophobe.

I value my safety and that of my family and I appreciate the police and the legal system, which makes me a right-wing extremist.

I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual's merits, which today makes me an anti-socialist.

I (and most of the folks I know), acquired a fair education without student loan debts and little or no debt at graduation, which makes me some kind of an odd underachiever.

I believe in the defence and protection of the homeland for and by all citizens and I honour those who served in the Armed Forces, which now makes me a right-wing militant.

Please help me come to terms with the new me… because I'm just not sure who the hell I am anymore!

I would like to thank all my friends for sticking with me through these seemingly abrupt, new found changes in my life and my thinking!

I just can't imagine or understand what's happened to me so quickly!

I am so very fortunate to have a part-time job with the government. :lifter

02-18-2019, 09:03
I am an old white guy, proudly a member of this country's most hated demographic!!!

Old Dog New Trick
02-18-2019, 13:59
I believe in the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights as they were written and ratified in their original form making me a proud nationalist; not a white supremacist or a progressive. I am of the opinion that the XI through XXVII Amendments were largely unnecessary and divide us rather than unite us and have only added to the “identity politics” that will destroy us.

I’m neither a Republican or a Democrat nor an Independent. I consider myself to be an educated voter who exercises the power granted to me to improve my country over party politics and individual partisan issues.

I believe in the rule of law and the “Golden Rule” of giving respect to others and earning respect from them. I believe that there are no issues too great that cannot be solved through debate and compromise even if one side doesn’t get everything they wanted; there is always more than one solution, if not now then when. The process is continuous and it really is give and take. To the victors go the spoils, just remember you may not always be on top.

I was born a male with a “Y” chromosome and I will die a male with a “Y” chromosome and I’m not confused by that. My sex was not assigned at birth from an administrative assistant on a form, it was ordained by the creator at my inception after the sexual intercourse of a man (my father) and a woman (my mother) who were married to one another at the time. My body produces testosterone and not estrogen as a normally functioning human being and not an experiment or a laboratory for social change.

I belong to the human race and treat everyone with respect and dignity, honor and grace, and indifference until the other person shows his or her own prejudices or superiority complex and then adjust from there. I don’t care if you are straight, gay or confused, black, white, brown, yellow or red; I don’t care if the only English word you know is “hello,” I’ve learned how to say at least that much in 17 different languages and much more to include “please and thank you.”

I believe a good and quality education is the single most important trait that separates mankind from the animal world and to confuse good and quality from biased and mediocre is what happens when progressive educators teach revisionist and politically correct history and not critical thinking or problem solving. Once upon a time people thought the world was flat, today some people still do. Some people today wish Christopher Columbus fell over the edge of the earth and didn’t discover anything. The Aztecs probably feel the same way about the Italian Amerigo Vespucci or whoever it was that brought diseases from the old world to the new world. We are now pretty certain that Native Americans discovered “America” first, since they were already here even before Lief Ericsson or Gavin Menzies discovered anything a hundred years before Columbus set sail.

I believe everyone has a chance to better themselves no matter where or what conditions they began life with. Opportunity exists for those willing to reach for it and fight to achieve a better life. Nothing is free other than opportunity and if someone gives you something for free it’s probably not worth anything but trouble.

tom kelly
02-18-2019, 15:01
However, the mainstream media would like us to think we are in a class with Ted Bundy, the serial killer who was justly executed over 30 years ago. The USA has way too many radical liberals who support the "progressive" politicians that foster this Ultra Left view of Socialism and all their BS propaganda.

02-18-2019, 18:19
I burn wood... AKA Environmental Terrorist

02-18-2019, 19:23
I just can't imagine or understand what's happened to me so quickly!
Bring your friends. We'll need them all.