View Full Version : Pope Francis says nope, not gonna happen EVER!

Old Dog New Trick
11-01-2016, 20:52
After seeing the US and several countries promoting women's equality issues, Pope Francis was recently asked the question by a female reporter..."when will a woman be ordained into priesthood?"

NEVER! The Pope replied.

The reporter replied back, like, forever-forever-never-never?

Then the Pope (quitely gazed upward did a Hail Mary and before replying- "Oh Hell NO! Never is forever!") No, that's not what happened read in article below.

Then he reached over and turned off CNN coverage of Hillary Clintons campaign speech on ethics and honesty as president if she is elected to the White House.

Check out this article from USA TODAY:

Pope: Women will be banned from priesthood forever


Pink font is only for the purpose of levity and should not be considered factual information.