View Full Version : Rise of Reichsburger movement in Germany

10-22-2016, 18:13
German authorities are increasingly concerned about the radicalization of a movement that rejects the legitimacy of the federal government and its constitution, after two violent attacks on police officers within two days.

Am I the only one who sees a few similarities between what's going on in Germany and also what's going on here in America?


10-22-2016, 18:40
On one hand thank you George Soros and BLM. On the other hand people a tired of the government has over stepping it bounds and their employees 'just following' orders.

10-22-2016, 19:00
"Many, but not all, of its members are on the extreme right."

No, that would be the extreme left...theguardian.

10-23-2016, 14:18
On first glance I thought this was the new Mcdonald's Europe, Big Mac replacement...

My $.02

1) Globally we are seeing widening population gap between the Western world and the rest of the planet with predictable migration from the latter to the former.

2) This central bank fueled economic cycle is long in the tooth, which itself can lead to regional friction.

3) The lack of global leadership by the current US administration has emboldened and enabled the spread of radical Islam over the past two terms.

4) Advances in technology are replacing many lower skilled jobs with machines, which combined with increased immigration heightens tensions.

I guess we will see, but I try to remind myself; that which is focal in not necessarily causal.