View Full Version : Do you know Vlad,, Where is Vlad??

03-02-2016, 08:12
Do you know Vlad III of Wallachia, perhaps Vlad Tepes, or Vlad the Impaler.

He is the historical model for Bram Stoker's Count Dracula.

Born in 1431, Vlad would go on to rule Wallachia (now a province of Romania) three distinct times over the course of his life. Vlad spent his entire life trying to defeat the invading hordes of Turkish Muslim Caliphate 600 years ago..

He stands as a much maligned leader of a small Christian country. He fought a war without an Air Force, no Navy, no Marines, nor GPS, & very primitive weapons. NO modern weapons,, so he used what he had.

Pointed Sticks..

Today Europe is encouraging the invading hordes from the East..

Where is Vlad,,
We Need Vlad...

03-02-2016, 10:00
I cited this exact example to some people as a definitive way to secure our borders, and a means to win the GWOT. It was then suggested I seek mental health treatment :boohoo:D

03-03-2016, 07:06
Vlad spent his entire life trying to defeat the invading hordes of Turkish Muslim Caliphate 600 years ago. He stands as a much maligned leader of a small Christian country.

Not exactly, and I'm not so sure we need another Vlad III - although that may be what either side of the political aisle might call the other side's leading candidates for POTUS in this year's general electoral brouhaha.

