View Full Version : So Let's Talk about Kashmir

Trapper John
09-06-2014, 09:37

A deadly combination of Modi, Islamabad, and the U.S. withdrawing from Afghanistan is causing storm clouds to gather over Kashmir. Here’s why the disputed territory could be the world’s next terrorist hotspot

In 2007 George W. Bush, argued that a premature removal of combat forces in Iraq would lead to insurgence from a much worse enemy. Similar arguments were made about premature departure from Afghanistan (I believe that was GEN Patraeus's position). Hmmmmm.......

So while our whack-a-mole foreign policy "experts" are brooding over ISIS in Syria/Iraq, what other hotspots are about to boil over? The attached article from Foreign Policy makes a compelling case that the next hot spot may be Kashmir and destabilization of Pakistan- a nuclear nation. If so, this would surely be a tipping point for the US/NATO.

But, let's just pretend that ISIS is containable why don't we? That ought to work out just fine. :eek:

09-06-2014, 10:17
Good article, Trapper. Underscores the need to slam the ISIS shitheads into the dust and leave nothing but green glass, and the sooner the better. Pakistan is a ripe target for those mindless pig worshipers. Where would the PRC and the Russians go I wonder if Pakistan was plunged into war with the next generation ISIS? (Bet there will be one, too.) Also, what would it take in that rarefied political air for ISIS to start a pissing contest between Pakistan and India just to destabilize the situation? 'Course, if all that happened who'd give a shit? By then everybody would be laying down their own remedies. The future sure is getting curiouser and curiouser.

WW-III, anyone? Not to worry...POTUS will save us!

09-06-2014, 14:10
This is just my opinion, but Pakistan, because they have been playing both sides to keep the anti terror cash flow going are one of our most dangerous foes. We know where their nukes are etc. We should take their nuclear stock pile out, and send India after them while providing India with what ever support they need to eliminate the country of Pakistan. Screw the Pakistan.

Add to that equation the following:

1)The need for the Pakistani military/ISI to conduct "a Mumbai" by proxy every now and again to maintain tensions, but more importantly maintain justification of Pak military funding and power.

2)The adoption of a "Cold Start" warfighting doctrine by the Indian Military which further reduces the exceptionally limited OODA Loop "time and space" between two nuclear opponents

3)The likely change in US political/military/economic posture towards mitigating an India/Pak conflict

Here's one for you:

During and after the Kargil 99 and the Indian Parliament attack in 01, it was clearly in the best interest of the US to intervene and pressure both sides to reduce tensions and pull back from the brink.

Today, the US possesses less political/military/economic capability to pressure a reduction in tensions. Today, the US is clearly disengaging in regional geopolitics. Today, the US economic and the US global dollar reserve system is faltering and being deconstructed.

Is it possible that an India/Pak conflict could actually be beneficial to the US in the form of an act of omission, rather than commission by the US?

Would an intentionally too slow response from the US in a conflict that includes the use of nuclear weapons benefit the US in the form of:

1)the ultimate foreign distraction that keeps the US domestic infrastructure whole
2)justification for drastic domestic policy reform
3)strong possibility of China being sucked into a regional conflict due to it's ally Pakistan and enemy India
4)if several billion people are knocked back economically for a generation it would take pressure off of energy prices as well as kneecap leverage held by GCC and Russia
5)a likely "flight to safety" in the US Dollar

Now I know there would be a lot of nasty and uncontrollable unintended consequences, but is it possible than Machiavellian senior leadership might consider a war between India/Pak that used to be a bad thing, now maybe not so bad?

"Never let a crisis go to waste"

09-06-2014, 18:32
3)strong possibility of China being sucked into a regional conflict due to it's ally Pakistan and economic enemy India

Fixed that for you.