View Full Version : Soldier in battle to evict squatters from home

04-23-2014, 22:57
Soldier Michael Sharkey was deployed to Afghanistan two years ago and asked a friend to watch over his house in New Port Richey, Florida. Sharkey never thought that he would have to fight a battle to save his house from ex-convict squatters.

What a nightmare. I have a reserved hatred for those type of people. If it were me my tactics for getting my home back might be a little ruthless. :D ;)


04-23-2014, 23:59
I'm no lawyer...not even a barracks room lawyer.......and I know that the US legal system is based on the English common law system(bar Louisiana's French civil law hybrid thingie).....but I thought the US didn't have the same idiosyncratic issues with squatters that the UK has seen with gypsies and such recently?

04-24-2014, 00:12
My understanding is its a really weird case law thing of if you move in, and no one kicks you out for a certain length of time, your tenancy becomes de facto. IIRC they had some issues in Detroit of people even ending up owning the property de facto?


04-24-2014, 03:37
The squatters moved out last night due to pressure from the populace. Protesters were going to show up this weekend and they claimed to be model citizens until it was revealed that both had prison/jail time for various things, including drugs which the neighbors said they were slinging out of that house.

04-24-2014, 11:09
My father had to deal with twice with "renters" It is a pain in anyone's a$$ to deal with this. I don't wish it on anyone. City laws and ordinances, state laws protect people like this and can do this freely. They can get away with it legally in most city and state. It's unbelievable.

Home owner beware of renting. Winter months is free rent!!

04-24-2014, 13:18
My father had to deal with twice with "renters" It is a pain in anyone's a$$ to deal with this. I don't wish it on anyone. City laws and ordinances, state laws protect people like this and can do this freely. They can get away with it legally in most city and state. It's unbelievable.

Home owner beware of renting. Winter months is free rent!!

No joke, there are professional squatters out there. They do a first months payment, then change all the locks and live for 6-10 months free in your house. I cannot stress enough, background checks, background checks, background checks. IN CA, the Claim of Right to Possession and Unlawful Detainer proceedings are a pain.