View Full Version : Slingshot Channel, Joerg Sprave

02-04-2014, 06:54
While doing some homework on slingshots I stumbled onto Jeorg's youtube site. He makes big boy toys and runs a youtube channel for slingshot'ers.

I picked this video because it looks stupid, but the results are very impressive.

The Toilet Brush Monster Sniper Rifle (http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_3791755149&feature=iv&src_vid=-RCgFJTQEDQ&v=Uh5W0JA-jo0#t=10s)

The Toilet Brush Monster Revolver (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIkEHtD42-8)

Not into toilet brushes??

The Full Auto Pencil Shooter Ballistic Jelly (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDy2A2IbanA&list=PLatfQctFfLCYLSVPdX5OT5bf0DNp31gag)

Skull Piercing "Brain Slicer" Arrowheads (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mt7XC7i05Y&list=PLatfQctFfLCYLSVPdX5OT5bf0DNp31gag)

Oh,, and just for Dusty,, Joerg is also a Zombie movie star..

02-11-2014, 22:41
While doing some homework on slingshots I stumbled onto Jeorg's youtube site. He makes big boy toys and runs a youtube channel for slingshot'ers.

I picked this video because it looks stupid, but the results are very impressive.

The Toilet Brush Monster Sniper Rifle (http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_3791755149&feature=iv&src_vid=-RCgFJTQEDQ&v=Uh5W0JA-jo0#t=10s)

The Toilet Brush Monster Revolver (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIkEHtD42-8)

Not into toilet brushes??

The Full Auto Pencil Shooter Ballistic Jelly (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDy2A2IbanA&list=PLatfQctFfLCYLSVPdX5OT5bf0DNp31gag)

Skull Piercing "Brain Slicer" Arrowheads (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mt7XC7i05Y&list=PLatfQctFfLCYLSVPdX5OT5bf0DNp31gag)

Oh,, and just for Dusty,, Joerg is also a Zombie movie star..

That guy has way to much time on his hands...

Cool videos though. At least I'll know who I can count on in case of a zombie apocalypse.