View Full Version : Other than Honorable Discharge for skerry?

10-31-2004, 21:33
Here is the latest...how this isn't being covered is beyond me.


QRQ 30
10-31-2004, 22:03
Here is the latest...how this isn't being covered is beyond me.


Even if Kerry once received an "Other than desireable" discharge, the latest, the one in his hand, is the one that counts. This is the same as a person convicted of a crime who later has the conviction vacated or overturned. He is no longer a convict. Breaking this now is just too late to substantiate. I wish it had broken even before the Democratic convention. I feel the Democrats would have trashed their "War Hero".

10-31-2004, 22:06
I wish it had broken even before the Democratic convention. I feel the Democrats would have trashed their "War Hero".

I do as well. It's a pretty sad state of affairs that he is the "best" they had to offer.

11-01-2004, 00:53
Not necesarily the 'best'; more like, who they considered was the most electable. Anybody But Bush, and all that.

11-01-2004, 04:44
Not who they considered the most electable. The primary process doesn't work like that on either side. Kerry is the one who appealed to their core without pissing off the rest of the Democrats. A compromise candidate. Same is true of George W. Bush in 2000.

11-01-2004, 13:01
Not in a strict procedural sense; I meant in the broad sense that I doubt many people voted in the primaries for Kerry because they really knew him or liked what he had to say. The impression I received was of people supporting/voting for him because he was the bland/electable/distinguished-looking Democratic candidate

Some of this may be based on where I'm living, but early in the game before the primaries, everyone out here was fired up over a) Dean (mostly), b) Kucinich (the hard-core lefties), or (much less so) c) Edwards (he's the cute one... no really, people used that as their reasoning). The support slowly transitioned to Kerry as the ABB candidate, but I -do- still see Kucinich stickers all over the place.

My area is quite leftie, though. YMMV.